Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Timewarp Tuesdays: The King of Cool

Many of you have heard that Roxy Music was my very first concert (at age 14)*, putting me on a path toward musical je ne sais quoi at an early age. Bryan Ferry IS in fact one of the coolest people to ever walk, no swagger, on the planet.

For those of you unfamiliar with Roxy Music, they were THE influence behind bands like Duran Duran. They created style way ahead of their time. Take a look.

And because they are so classic. Here's another. No wonder this style was termed "the new romantic." Check out all the pointed gazes at the camera.

*I am forever indebted to my older brother Hans who, because his best friend Dion had been grounded the day of the concert, tolerated bringing his little sister to the show.

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