Sunday, May 18, 2008

Saturday/Sunday Senses: A Sunny Day in NYC

My younger brother Nick and I went to NYC for the weekend. Straddled by two rather rainy days, Saturday was absolutely glorious! I'd never taken the Staten Island Ferry, so he, his friend Amanda and I did. Here's a terrific shot from the ferry, just in case you didn't believe how perfect of a day it was.

Earlier that day we stumbled upon Trinity Church, also looking gorgeous in such lush surroundings.
Right as we walked through the grounds we heard wedding bells. I love how urban this wedding looks. Goes to show there are surprises around every corner in Manhattan.


Anonymous said...

looks like a fun trip!

Moya said...

It was so good to see you and Nick last week. See you July 4th--if not sooner!

Anonymous said...

Hey- Nice! We will soon be closer cause I'm moving back east! A sunny day in Manhattan is definately incomparable to anything!
Guess Who!
