Monday, May 12, 2008

Monday Money Shot: Beignets and Bachelors

In another birthday post... here is the money shot I wanted. It's not the strawberries, but I think the beignets, the candle, and the "Happy Birthday" in chocolate icing takes the cake! Way to go to my Sweetie for giving me not one surprise dessert, but TWO! Even better is that he did partly because he knew I needed the photo for my blog.

The beignets didn't rival Cafe Du Monde. (My choice, not Wood's.) Though I highly recommend the pecan tart.

Ok, I'll confess that right now I have the finale of The Bachelor on in the background. I have extremely mixed feelings about this show. It's like watching a car crash. Something is so ridiculous about 22 year old women feeling so desperate about getting married, so convinced that they have met the man they want to marry, that I take pleasure in it for its complete disconnect from reality. The sad thing though is that it's not far from reality and that a lot of people get in bad marriages because of that kind of delusion.

That said, I'm hoping Matt asks Shane to marry him.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!

Moya said...

I wanted Chelsea. I give him and Shayne (another) 6 weeks...

Happy Birthday!