By Gabor Steingart in Washington from Der Spiegel, Germany's leading newspaper
The rise of democratic frontrunner Barack Obama signifies an alarming victory of style over substance. Not unlike the dot-com hype, his campaign promises more than he can deliver. The one thing his voters can count on is that they will ultimately be disappointed.
He can talk the talk, but can he walk the walk? Read the entire story online.
FYI, it's still not too late to show your support for Hillary with the superdelegates. This is a much tighter race than we are being led to believe by Obama's campaign and by the media. Click here to learn more.
I don't want to jinx Hillary by saying it, but if Obama gets the nomination, I will have to seriously consider voting for John McCain. Why is no one talking about the mass number of "Democrats" (technically, I'm an independent who votes Democratic) who will abandon the Democratic Party if not given a qualified candidate?
Great post. I'm forwarding this to Deb and Warren.
Ugh. Ugh.
Did I mention Ugh?
ok, i was ECSTATIC about Hilary and the prospects of having her as Prez. I must say though, over time, i became quite weary of the clinton machine and jumped over to obama's camp. The political antics of south carolina and currently in texas and ohio only affirm and solidify my choice.
p.s. love your blog
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