Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Catching My Breath

Wednesday is my night to go to yoga, that important respite from schedules and expectations, where I can simply breathe. The irony is that it requires that I stay late at the gym and then am rushed when class gets out at 9pm to get the 9:08 bus. (The #42 Mount Pleasant line.) To add insult to restoration, tonight I stepped out from the gym into wind chills in the 20s eventhough I wore a raincoat to work today. But you already heard about the weather in yesterday's blog.

Then I snip at my boyfriend, don't eat a healthy dinner and feel stress trying to devise some clever topic for my blog. Get the irony yet? Usually, I'm pretty good about maintaining my yogic mentality, but not today.

1 comment:

Moya said...

that's precisely why--with my insane schedule--I'm not going to yoga... I will go this summer instead when school's out.