Monday, July 7, 2008

Monday Mania: The 100th Post

Something you should know about me if you don't already. I need lots of sleep. Most of today I've been feeling the effects of my sleep deprivation. Last night my bus from NYC was an hour late, so I got home at just before midnight. So today I've been feeling pretty grouchy.

Fortunately for you, I have lots of fun pictures to share from my weekend in NYC with one of my best friends, Moya. Here is her glamorous self.

It was a rather quiet and unseasonably cool and rainy weekend, but we did see some important landmarks.

In particular... Carrie Bradshaw's apartment building on Perry Street. This brownstone in the West Village plays an apartment on the Upper East Side on TV and movies.

(Sorry for the poor color on both of these... for some reason my camera was in low res mode.) Here's a set of stairs that often doubled for her stoop, in the proper resolution. Notice they actually look brown as in brown-stone?

And another landmark... for fashionistas, er, Project Runway fans. Tim Gunn was no where to be seen.

And these next few are for my boyfriend, who likes to "eat his way" across New York. A Mexican food cart outside the Jackson Heights Subway stop in Queens.

An automat in the East Village. I promise we won't waste one of our meals on this. I guess hipsters eat there.

And a sentiment... also from the East Village.

1 comment:

Erik Donald France said...

Very cool! Congrats to lots of cool photos and observations and interests!

Cheers from Motown!