So, am I surprised to see that a driver struck a cyclist? No. Why? Because so many people are so self-centered that they don't see other people or cyclists. I can't count the number of times that I am in a crosswalk on Columbia Road and a car speeds through it. I play a regular game of "chicken" with the cars these days, just to make a point.
Today at the gym, there was a woman alternately talking on her cell phone and texting while she was sitting on a crunch ball. Note: this is the Northeast and my gym is affordable, so that means that my gym is very small and crowded, so I'm sitting about a foot away from this woman having to crank up my iPod to drown her out.
Also today at the gym, another woman asked how many sets I had on the leg extension machine.
"I have two more."
"Two more!" She exclaims.
"I just got on."
"I was just asking." She made a face at me.
Then on the way from the gym to the bus stop, there was a guy who decided it was alright to drive on the sidewalk. In downtown DC?
Is it city living? Is it DC? Is it "people these days"? Or is it me?
Hi! It's Daphne! Testing, testing, one, two, three! I've been reading for a while, but can I actually comment yet? We'll see...
Hi Daphne!
Jenny--it's not you, it's not the Northeast--it's people being total assholes. Selfishness pure and simple (a result I think of the over-simplistic emphasis on individualism in this culture). Combine that with massive overwork and you get a group of people who want to do what they want, when they want and who don't have a second to spare for others. I am also sick of drivers who'd sooner kill me than be .10 second behind their schedule.
Relax, go to yoga and we'll just try to transcend this. I try to fight it but it is useless..
Hi, Daphne. Heard you loud and clear! Hey, so is there some blog of yours I need to get invited to read? Or is that one of those clubs I won't want to be a member of once I'm invited? ;)
Hi all! No blog. A friend and I have a little posting place documenting our diet and exercise schedule. At 37, it's the first year I've had to think about such horrors and I am mad as hell about it. Most of the posts involve me cheating with booze and ditching the gym. New developments in the big ass department: the brothaman is hot on my trail. Hoopty slowdown with a "DAMNgirl!" hollah reinforce racial stereotypes.
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