Thursday, April 3, 2008

Thursday Thought: Emotional Math

This is how I feel right now.

For most of today, I was feeling pretty ok. And how you feel seems to be made up of a bunch of little moments and how they add up (or subtract) from your daily experience.

For example:

I went out last night to a black tie event with some co-workers, and we had a lot of fun. (+5)

I got a message from my boyfriend last night, (+10)
but didn't get to say good night to him. (-5)

I was able to extend my "blow out" so my hair looked nice today (+3)

My boss and I worked productively on a project that we're about to finish (+3)

The vendors I work with and my staff were all very responsive today (+2)

I ate left over red beans and rice and my boss shared his sweet potato fries with me (+2)

My college friend Amy who lives in Virginia e-mailed me. (+5)

I had some miscommunications with two people at work (-2), but then were resolved (+1)

My boyfriend called me at work (+5)

I got thanked for my work in front of the entire company. (+5)

Someone was inconsiderate to me at work (-5). And continued to be (-5).

I got through my day's "to do" list. (+3)

It got really cold and rainy (-3).

My Metrorail "Smartbenefits" were not very smart and credited me for $80 instead of the $100 that come out of my paycheck. (-5)

I had to use a super small locker at the gym (-2) and there were no hangers for our coats (-1). But the staff was very courteous (+2)

Our Zumba instructor was almost an hour late (-3) but a bunch of the regulars rallied and taught the class (+2).

I missed the 42 bus by about 1 minute (-2), but another one came withing 5 minutes (+2)

I got home to my sweet kittens whom I love.(+10) I'm sad that I haven't seen my boyfriend in a few days. (-8)

I figured out a blog topic and still have time to cook dinner and watch the two episodes of Law & Order I taped last night. (+5)

So, you can see that my day peaked at around 3 in the afternoon when my day had a score of 34. Then it started losing considerable points, declining to a low of about 15 when I got to the gym where it started to turn around. Now with my cuddly kittens, dinner, and L&O imminent, I've bounced back to about a 24.

1 comment:

Moya said...

Is that Lucky there? What a beauty she is.

I can't wait to see you in May--Evan says we can either stay at my place and have you and your brother stay at his, or we'll all stay at mine, or at his.