I made this nifty graph so that you can track my level of excitement for the candidates over the course of the last several months.

Apparently, I'm not alone in my vacillation. Check this out this Morning Edition story on NPR.
An electronic hotspot dedicated to the flavor-of-the-month concerns of the generation that remembers phones with cords and playing in the street, and that generally prefers to hang out with friends in person.
ok, i so feel you. mine was a bit different. loved hilary. barack began to shine. love love love barack. back a bit to hilary. but feet planted firmly in barack's camp now. whew!
I am shocked--you have to tell me more...
I am still for Hilary and still very anti-Obama. Would love, love, love, to have had Edwards win it all though.
okay, i already knew about your swinging political views.
but graphing them!
i am totally impressed.
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