It's Friday evening, and I am waiting to meet with the catsitter that will take care of my kittens while I go on vacation to Berlin and Naxos. Friday evening is a good time to unwind and process all the stimulus from the week... kind of like how your dreams process all the random sights and sounds from that day. Basically, Friday is the colonic of days, which is why I tend to like to sit still, so I can flush everything out of my system. It also makes me feel better to think there is a reason I'm at home talking to my cats and waiting for the catsitter.
Remember that cyclist that I featured in the blog a few weeks ago? You probably remember the photo. The ghost bike still sits at Connecticut and R Streets.
It's getting down to the wire on So You Think You Can Dance? Can you stand it???

I know my fellow dance fans totally get it. Believe it or not, I'm so addicted that I've resorted to reading the forums on the SYTYCD? website although I don't understand the strange dialect they use there. The posts overwhelmingly include comments like "OMG! That wuz so hot!" and "Puhlease! I h8 (enter dancer's name here)!!!" Perhaps someone can e-mail me a translation.
I FINALLY reunited with one of my good gal pals from college. Amy lives in Bristow, Virginia which is about 40 miles outside of DC, with her husband Jim (also a friend from college) and their two kids. We got back in touch last summer when I was "between jobs." That was June 2007. Please note that it is now August 2008. It was great to see her, but I now realize why I sit home on Friday nights. Between kids and commutes, thirty-something people are too damned busy here to have social lives. Case in point...I am getting together with my friend (a new mom) Susan next week and I haven't seen her since, oh, last June! And then there are a couple more friends from my past: Jay, who I've been trying to meet up with for about four months, and John, a more recent project, but both have kids under 5. Surprise! Not that I want to live in kid-ville. (I don't) But I'm so over hanging with twenty-somethings. (Minus a few especially cool ones.) Albeit my boyfriend is 28, but deep-down he's 45.
Speaking of reunions, my friend Beth came to town a week ago.
One benefit to living in DC is that it is a place people visit (for work or "pleasure"), which can't be said of Salt Lake City, except for a small winter sport contingency. Beth was the most recent in a trio of friends who have had conferences in DC in 2008. (Shout outs to Erika George and her annual international law conference and Susan Rutherford and her, uh, sprinkler runoff conference or whatever it was.) Anyway, I always enjoy the visits, especially since it reminds me that I do, in fact, have friends. Come to DC!!
Ok, where is that cat sitter?
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