Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Wildcard Wednesday: Philosophical Thought of the Week

The rain dumped in buckets today. I waited for the bus for almost 25 minutes. Usually my bus (the 42) comes every ten minutes. About 20 minutes into the wait, a woman asked me, "Have you been waiting long?"


This being a bus stop for multiple routes, I then thought to myself, "Well that depends what you're waiting for."

And then I realized I was no longer talking about buses.


And today being the "day after," I just wanted to share this heartfelt show of support from someone in the neighborhood. I especially like the "Want change? Vote for a WOMAN." (All caps with the "female" symbol next to it.) When I first saw this sign, I thought it had been made by a kid. Then I realized that even if it weren't, it was still pretty cool.

Read the post from when I officially became a fence sitter.


Liz said...

that sign is so sweet in that it's heartfelt. reminds me how i felt when the campaign first started; before i switched to obama. still sad about senator clinton's strategy choices; she should've run a different campaign.

nonetheless, the best candidate won. Obama in '08.

Anonymous said...

the morning after.


will she be nominated for vice president...

Moya said...

I so hate Obama and his misogynistic accolites. I am relieved that I don't have the vote and disgusted by both candidates.