Literally, snapshots from my weekend....Friday after work. I drop my iPod on the platform of the Metro. Here's the message it is currently giving me. BTW, the webpage doesn't exist.
Any of you fellow Sex in the City fans will recognize that this is much like the "sad Mac" that Carrie got when her motherboard failed. Except that this is a "sad iPod." Wood bought me my pink iPod mini for our first Christmas together in 2005. He momentarily cheered that now he knew what to get me for my birthday next Saturday, but I think he knows in his heart that would be too easy.Meanwhile, we had a beer at Fado with his friend Craig from work.
That night and the next morning, we watched parts I and II of When the Levees Broke: A Requiem in Four Acts, Spike Lee's documentary on the state of New Orleans immediately leading up to, during and following Hurricane Katrina. Of course, while important to remember these events, the film was rather depressing. I must have been subconsciously masochistic, because I then read the cover story in the City Paper. This week's story, "The Last Days of Christopher Savage," recounted a guy who had just moved here who then was allegedly beaten up and mugged a few blocks from where I live, and then supposedly died from his injuries. I later put together that as a former drug addict, he was probably trying to score something, that the City Paper hadn't included anything about his autopsy, and that the details of his story are unreliable. Still, this freaked me out.
Feeling rather down at this point, I decided to get out of my house and head to the gym, but instead found myself in front of the Mayflower hotel, famous for many things, but most recently as the hotel in which Eliot Spitzer used the services of one of the escorts of the now late "DC Madam" Deborah Jean Palfrey.
The reason I was here was to catch a shuttle bus to the German Embassy where my sweetie was promoting all things German. That day, the EU embassies were hosting open houses as part of the Europe in DC program. Things were about to look up!
We then went to see Iron Man. It seemed fair since Wood sat through When the Levees Broke. It didn't do much for me, but Wood seemed to get a kick out of it, so that made me happy.Today we met Wood's mom and her friend Peter for brunch at Open City, a sister restaurant of one of our faves Tryst. While nothing beats a lightly sweet and lighter-than-air blueberry-strawberry waffle from Tryst, the frozen chaipuccino at Open City is heavenly. I also must go back for an Abita Turbo Dog, which is my favorite beer.
It was such a nice day, that Wood and I headed up the street to the National Zoo which is another great free thing to do in DC. We said hello to our animal friends, including my favorite, the California Sea Lions. If I come back as any animal, it would be as a sea lion or a sea otter.
Later this evening, I shopped at the new Harris Teeter, walking down the street (in daylight) where that guy had been beaten. And I felt much better to have, in some little way, taken back my neighborhood.
In case you are still suffering from iPod failure. Here are my 3 recommended steps.
1) Connect to iTunes. If it sees the iPod and wants to restore, do so. Perhaps happiness will ensue.
2) Reset iPod ( worth a try. Sort of like moving a pawn. It works more often than you would think.
3) If the aforementioned steps don't work it's hardware and needs professional help. If it is out of warranty and the repair people quote too much, you could always try to take it apart and see if it is a loose cable. That sounds like fun to me, but, I may be the only one.
An electronic hotspot dedicated to the flavor-of-the-month concerns of the generation that remembers phones with cords and playing in the street, and that generally prefers to hang out with friends in person.
In case you are still suffering from iPod failure. Here are my 3 recommended steps.
1) Connect to iTunes. If it sees the iPod and wants to restore, do so. Perhaps happiness will ensue.
2) Reset iPod (
worth a try. Sort of like moving a pawn. It works more often than you would think.
3) If the aforementioned steps don't work it's hardware and needs professional help. If it is out of warranty and the repair people quote too much, you could always try to take it apart and see if it is a loose cable. That sounds like fun to me, but, I may be the only one.
ok, i'm exhausted reading about your day. thank Goddess for yoga.
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