Monday, March 31, 2008
Monday Musing: Blossoming Wonder
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Saturday/Sunday Sighting: Sort Of
We took our friends Nanci and Karl to Marx Cafe to share it with them. Little did we know that Ben Affleck and Russel Crowe were filming a scene right outside the place, in the heart of Mount Pleasant, offering us not only dinner, but quite the show. (Except that we never SAW them, only heard of sightings.) Instead, we saw the same cars driving down the block and then backing up down the block, for at least an hour. In a very dark bar, Wood Powell reports on the excitement:
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Saturday Sentiment: Lights Out

Thursday, March 27, 2008
Thirsty Thursday: Long Shadows
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Wildcard Wednesday: Mr. and Mrs. Mallard
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Timewarp Tuesday: Lame Post Alert
Lame Post Alert issued.... I only hope that most of you got this warning.
This song always reminds me of a weekend during my senior year of high school when I went to a debate conference in San Luis Obispo. My friends and I went out to a club dancing to:
Pete Burns of Dead or Alive was one (of many) of the quintessential androgynous dressers in 80's. Metrosexuals have nothing on this guy although it seems that androgynous looks emerge roughly every even numbered decade. (The 20's, the 40's the 60's, the 80's and now the 00's.) Apparently, he accused Boy George of ripping off his style.
Unfortunately, life got stranger for PB. He became obsessive (like Michael Jackson obsessive) with cosmetic surgery and subsequently experienced a nightmarish experience which has forever disfigured his face. While he claims not to be a transvestite, he now has to dress as one because of the makeup he must wear to "mask" (that being the operative word) the botched surgeries he's received. And so today, he's become a star on British reality TV.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Monday: Morcheeba Madness
So, Wood and I walked to the 9:30 club. Thankfully the show was sold out, so it took us less than a minute to sell my tickets and make an $8 profit. Of course, I said to the guy buying my tickets, "you know the lead singer is not the lead singer they had a few years ago."
"Yeah, I'll give you $40 for one ticket."
Another guy standing right next to him was surprised at the news. "Really?"
Guess I'm not the only one.
Here's what should have been happening at the 9:30 club.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Spirited Sunday: Cathedral Contemplation

In some ways, it might be surprising that we're together. Perhaps you might also be surprised that I would go to the National Cathedral for Easter service today. But just as my boyfriend is hard to peg, so am I. Spirituality is a complex thing, after all.
My father was a proclaimed atheist. I remember early on offending kids in school by sharing with them his view. To a young Jenny T., his take on God seemed very rational and as a German, he was very rational and scientific about such things. Later he claimed he leaned towards the Hindu religion because in Hindu, man was god. On his deathbed, he espoused an affinity for Buddhism.
While I am not a spiritual relativist, I've always felt that I have a gift for being able to appreciate a range of perspectives, and so when my darling boyfriend Wood asked if I considered myself an agnostic, I thought, well yes and no. Agnosticism seems a bit indecisive. Instead, I would describe myself as a pantheologian, and while I don't hold every religion in equal regard, I do find parts of many spiritual practices useful in my own personal quest for truth.
So, it was comforting to me today when the Bishop of Washington was sharing his story behind the cross he wears. He said that it was a cross from a Native American tribe made of black and red coral and turquoise. That it had been given to him from a friend, a fellow Christian with whom he differed on many issues but also with whom he had mutual respect and common love of Christ. He wears that cross every day as a reminder of his daily purpose in this world, so full of contention and fear, that we continue to talk and listen to eachother.
There is hope.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
"Friday" Flashback: Wonder Woman
Here's a retro flashback. Gotta love the girl power! I think you'll agree this was worth the wait.
What a bright spot that was in feminist history. The seventies was a great time for strong and glamorous role models. No wonder all my girlfriends are so damned cool.
No, I didn't have a Wonder Woman doll. (I wish I did!) But I did have Charlie's Angels dolls. Check 'em out on You Tube.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Thirsty Thursday: The Madness Begins
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Wildcard Wednesday: Where are Their Clothes?
Fashion seemed to be a theme today. On my ride home on the Metro, two very gay boys were talking about the "Project Runway"-style fundraiser the Human Rights Campaign is organizing. Also, I rushed so quickly out of the locker room after yoga tonight that I, in fact, had only buttoned one button on my shirt! Thankfully, I had my trenchcoat wrapped around me.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Timewarp Tuesdays: Stiv Bators
What was up with dolls in the eighties? Totally creepy cool, I guess. Gotta love the headbands, too.
Little known fact: Stiv was dating Bebe Buell, Liv Tyler's mom in the late 70's when Liv was just an infant. Guess he does remind me of Steve Tyler even if he is infinitely cooler. (And his real name is Steven, too.)
Here's to Stiv!
Monday, March 17, 2008
Monday Musing: Dad

While I would have never understood the appeal of this simplicity as a teenager, in the face of a world that is drowning in consumption and its own waste, I appreciate it more and more everyday. My mother being a depression era baby herself, I grew up with a reservedness that seems almost unheard of nowadays. Such modesty didn't equal dowdiness. And anyone who has met my mother, wouldn't accuse her of that. Less is more, after all.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Faves: Red Ginger

Braised ribs, curried chicken, spicy collard greens, mac and cheese and a chocolate cake desert reminiscent of the our touchstone of chocolate cakes, the "magnanimous molten" at Boston's Finale later, we've never turned back. I still don't understand why this place isn't packed every night. It's one of DC's best kept secrets.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
DC in the Springtime
DC can be a beautiful city if you open your eyes to it.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Thursday Night Burnout
I've also been looking for a card for my sweet boyfriend as it is our anniversary on Saturday. I've looked a few different places (part of urban life is that you are at the mercy of what is in your neighborhood) and all of the cards SUCK! I, of course, in my E.B. ways got the ridiculous idea that I would MAKE him a card tonight. Uh.... maybe.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Timewarp Tuesdays: Hammerheads
Ming has since changed her name to Kristen Sze and become an Emmy award winning news anchor of KGO Channel 7 in the Bay Area. Pretty cool!
Monday, March 10, 2008
Darci, Cover Girl Darci!

I can't remember what Wood and I were watching the other day, but Kelly Rippa was on TV and he released an audible "ick." I said, I guess you're not into the blonde, tan, blue-eyed, busty type? He didn't respond, but it was affirming to a girl like me who grew up in California during Malibu Barbie's hey day.
My mom, in her great wisdom, never bought me a Barbie, as she never wanted me to feel I wasn't as good as the pretty blonde dolls. (The closest I got was "Growing Up Skipper" which she probably rationalized had educational value.) Instead, I got "Darcie" who was actually a prettier doll than Barbie (and she had great silver sandals!) and came with blonde, red or brown hair. I had a redhead and a brunette. And interestingly enough, I have been both a redhead and a brunette! Of course, this was the 70's and, like Barbie, Darcie had multicultural friends, but they were always a supporting cast of characters. Well, let's hope there's been some progress....

Sunday, March 9, 2008
Food Glorious Food
Yesterday, about 24 hours into my fast, on my way back from the Yes! Organic Market (per my last post), I caught a whiff of the strongest garlic aroma coming from one of the many restaurants along the 1800 block of Columbia Road. I kept walking and kept breathing it in for a good block. I wondered if my body was newly sensitized to such an amazing scent. This is the approximate location of its source:

I decided I was going tell my penny-counting self not to worry about cost. For that matter, Whole Foods really isn't exorbitant for what you get. It was more the "start up costs" of eating healthfully, that I knew would add up. It wasn't so much the fruits and veggies (although I did buy a yam that cost me *gulp* almost $5), but the miso, the tahini, and the flaxseed. Yeah, I'm just beginning to figure out how to use these things, but I tried to go forth with cooking confidence! This, I'm sure is laughable to friends of mine, like my dear friend Kristen who having given up hope on my ability to make multi-course meals, bought me a cookbook on appetizers a few years ago.
Anyway, I got out of there with a fair amount of stuff and not too outrageous a grocery bill ($61). Add to that the Zipcar ($9 for the hour, plus a late fee of $50 since I wasn't allowed to extend my reservation) Ouch. Ok, I wasn't planning on this grocery trip costing me a RT ticket to NYC, but oh well. It was a stupid expense on my part. Like getting a parking ticket or backing into something. Next time I'm taking the Metro or I'll just walk to my local organic market.
Saturday, March 8, 2008
The Cleansing Trinity
Almost 24 hours into my cleanse, I'm feeling pretty good. Whenever I feel a little tinge of hunger, I drink more of this concoction. How the hell else am I going to drink the 120 oz. or so of this stuff a day! (That's a lot of liquid, mostly water, which is good since it's important to stay hydrated.) It's actually a pretty flavorful drink I would consider drinking regularly. The maple syrup sweetens it (and gives you the caloric intake so you don't pass out) and the cayenne stimulates your system. (I definitely feel pretty warm and mildly energetic.)
For someone like me, this routine is forcing me to sit still and keep things simple. It's a little like being sick, except not. For those of you who know me, you'll be glad to know that my idea of productivity this weekend involves taking showers and trips to the organic grocery down the street.
This "lemonade detox" has apparently been around for 30+ years, and Beyonce used it to lose 20 pounds before filming Dreamgirls. I'm pretty sure that my yoga instructor, who made me aware of this detox, wasn't doing it because of B.
However, weight loss isn't my goal here, although I will gladly accept it. In my 30-something years, I'm pretty sure I've built up a fair amount of "toxic junk" in my system from stress, less than pure eating habits, breathing in imperfect air, and drinking and bathing in imperfect water. My body has withstood a lot, and I'm beginning to feel it more and more in my joints, digestive system, energy level, and see it in my skin, hair, etc. I do yoga, dance, lift weights, and walk everywhere. I eat reasonably well. I don't eat a ton of processed food and refined sugars or caffeine. I try to buy organic. I could probably increase my fruit and veggie and fish intake, but all in all, I live a healthful life. Still, I feel like I could feel better.
Hence...the cleanse which I think I'll do for a few days before integrating other juices and smoothies back into my routine. Since Wood and I have our anniversary date at a fave restaurant, Red Ginger (Caribbean), I'll need to get back on the solid food wagon before then so as not to shock my system. It's not exactly lightweight fare. I'm sure it will be more delicious than ever.
Friday, March 7, 2008
Another Friday Night: Brow Waxing and Fasting

I started my detox fast tonight, so it leaves me a lot of time on my hands to take pix of my eyebrows.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
I Looked Up and....
I've come up with a book title. I've always thought I had a book in me, but could never settle on a specific idea I'd want to commit to for more than a little while. So this week the book is: Reality is Overrated: The Power of the Imagination. I'm inspired by this idea because Friedman points to the imagination as the source of hope for all societies. I probably need more significant credentials to pull a topic like this off. Or I could write fiction.
Things are in bloom.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Happy Cows Come from California
*There are many exceptions to this personality profile in New York City, but Washington is full of them.
And to support my point, this car was parked on my block... on a VW, no less.
Monday, March 3, 2008
65 Degrees: Unexpected Signs of Life
So, things I noticed at approximately 8pm tonight:
1) These completely bare trees, lit up everywhere but where you'd usually find leaves. And then a few steps away....
2) A middle class black woman sitting on the ground across from the homeless guy who lives between the Krispy Kreme and the south entrance of the Dupont Circle Metro stop. She appeared to be visiting with him. He was staring off into space and she was looking right at him. It didn't look or sound like they were having a conversation.
3) A guy in cycling garb who had stopped his bike on the edge of the Dupont Circle fountain and was using old-style resistance equipment (like the metal kind with coils) to do bicep curls.
I'm happy to report these signs of life.
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Hey, Texas! (And Ohio)
The national Hillary Clinton HQs being just around the corner from my office, I worked the phone bank with my boss John today. We (and a few dozen others) were calling voters in Texas. I have to admit, it's pretty exciting to be in the midst of all of those ringing phones. Many people who we called "habla Espanol" making it a rewarding cultural bridge-building kind of experience.
Give 'em Hill!
And the latest from SNL....